About the
The objectives of the P&C are to promote the interests of, and facilitate the development and further improvement of the school, by promoting parent participation, encouraging close co-operation between parents, students and staff and promoting positive community support. The Warrigal Road State School P&C organises many fundraising activities and provides essential services such as Tuckshop such as Uniform Shop and SAFEst (safe travel to & from school).
Meeting Times and Dates 2025
Term 1 Week 5 Wednesday 26/02/25 AGM Followed by GM Via TEAMS and held in the Green House (adjacent to the hall)
Term 2 Week 2 Wednesday 30/04/25 GM Via TEAMS only
Week 8 Wednesday 11/06/25 GM Via TEAMS only
Term 3 Week 2 Wednesday 23/07/25 Via TEAMS only
Week 8 Wednesday 03/11/25 Via TEAMS only
Term 4 Week 8 Wednesday 26/11/25 Via TEAMS and held in the Green House (adjacent to the hall)
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 411 268 562 873
Passcode: 9UZ3gD9y
All parents are
encouraged to come along and contribute to the educational outcomes of your
children. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.
Membership application
All parents and members of our community are
welcome to become members of the P&C.
To apply for membership, please download a membership form, see above, Related links and email it to pandc@warrigalroadss.eq.edu.au. Or come along to a meeting and see the
P&C secretary.
The P&C works with the school to execute
a number of activities in order to supplement the school budget in order to
provide enhanced facilities and resources for students. All parents and
community members are encouraged to get involved with fundraising activities as
a way of uniting the school community to enhance the educational experience for
our children. Volunteering is a great way to learn more about the school and
what's happening behind the scenes and mix with other parents and members of
the community. Along with events you can also volunteer at the Tuckshop,
Uniform Shop or help with traffic. Just contact the P&C and let us know
what you are interested in.
The executive members and sub-committee convenors may be contacted
through pandc@warrigalroadss.eq.edu.au
Order uniforms online.
NOTE: Online orders are not packed until payment is made.
Tuckshop: (07) 3340 5336