We have developed and maintain a whole school curriculum, assessment and reporting plan which identifies standards and the range of assessment conducted from Prep to Year 6.
Teachers use student assessment and reporting data to help provide learning opportunities that continually the support the learning of all.
Twice a year families receive a written report outlining students' achievement against standards in The Australian Curriculum. School based assessments are used in each learning area to determine a grade.
Parents and caregivers also have the opportunity to participate in parent teacher interviews every other term.
The National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for all students across the nation in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Naplan is made up of 4 tests in the areas of:
- Reading
- Writing
- Language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
- Numeracy
Families will receive a written report outlining their child's achievement in these assessments.
WRSS will not be administering ICAS as part of our annual routine.
We have contacted other groups to see if they were interested in administering the assessments for WRSS students but to no avail. We also contacted ICAS Assessment direct and have been told that there will be alternative assessment sites offered in Brisbane and parents are welcome to contact ICAS Assessment directly in late February or Early March each year when this information will be available.
ICAS can be contacted on 1800 931 775.