Classroom lessons
Each class participates in health and physical education lessons weekly provided by our physical educaiton specialists. These lessons are aligned ot the Australian Curriculum. Students are encouraged to wear their sports uniform on HPE days and need ot bring their hat and water bottle. HPE is a compolsory lesson like all other Australian Curriculum subjects.
Sporting house system
The house system is in operation for year level inter-house competitions. Students are assigned to one of the four houses when enrolling in our school. All students in a family are placed in the same house. New enrolments are allocated to houses on the basis of keeping house year levels as even as possible.
Houses are –
BEERWON Blue Swift
YINDI Yellow Sun
Houses participate in friendly competition throughout the year for points. Points are tallied and at the end of each carnival, the winning House is announced and the House name added to the School Shield.
Interhouse athletics and cross country
Senior, Intermediate and Junior Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals are conducted annually.
- Senior Years Four to Six
- Intermediate Years Two and Three
- Junior Prep to Year One
All students are encouraged to participate in inter-house carnivals as part of their physical education program.
House polo shirts are available from the uniform shop and should be worn for annual carnivals and other house competitions, as well as weekly HPE lessons.
Participation in all sport activities is strongly encouraged. Throughout the school year, we aim to have representation in a range of sports.
- All students in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to trial for Interschool Sporting teams. In recent years, these sports include: Soccer, Basketball, Rugby League, Teeball, Softball, Cricket, Netball, Touch Football and AFL. Children playing these sports need parent permission and will incur nominal costs (e.g. for transport and/or court hire), which is organised at the beginning of each Interschool Sport Season. Parents are advised of these costs if and when they arise.
- Students aged ten to twelve years may also be given the opportunity to trial for District Sporting teams, if they show a very high level of skill. Children trialling for these teams, often need to provide their own transport to and from the trial venues.
Gala Sport Days
Students in Year Five and Six are encouraged to participate in a variety of sports at an inter-school level. Students will participate in three Gala Days per Semester.
During Semester One, students have the option of trialing for boys and girls Basketball, boys and girls Soccer, girls Softball and Tee ball and also boys Rugby League. During Semester Two, the sports on offer change to boys and girls Touch Football, boys Softball, girls Netball, boys and girls Cricket and also boys and girls AFL.
Students not participating in Gala Day activities take part in the Options Program which introduces students to a range of recreational activities.
Sports Days
Students in Year Four to Six participate in Inter-house Cross Country and Athletics competitions during the year. This presents as an opportunity for students to earn points for their sport houses and also be selected to compete at District, Regional and State levels. Prep to Year Three students have their own carnivals which are conducted on a non-competitive basis.
Representative Sport
Ten to twelve year old students also have the opportunity to trial for representative selection across a large range of sports. Each school in the Sunnybank District is encouraged to send a maximum of four students to any particular trial. The students must show a high level of skill to be considered for school selection to attend a District trial. Principal approval must also be given.
Representative sports include: Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country, Soccer, Basketball, AFL, Netball, Rugby League, Touch Football, Hockey, Softball, Tennis, Rugby Union, Squash and Golf.
SwimmingWarrigal Road State School offers a subsidised swimming program for Prep to Year One students during the year as part of the Government 'Learn to Swim' program. Students are transported by bus to a local swimming facility. Students are provided with an intensive swimming program organised by qualified swimming instructors.